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Content Management

Creating Content Introduction

Creating Content

Creating content and sharing it with your groups is one of The Hub’s key features.

Users can make content that is as quick and easy as sharing a photo gallery or as in-depth as a training manual or online course.

You can use our tutorials to help you in building your content to best suit the needs of your audience.


No one like losing their work so The Hub has you covered. Content is automatically saved as you go and is cloud based, meaning it is always up to date and can be loaded from any device you are signed in on The Hub app.


Content will only be shared with a group when you choose to. Any content you create, will be found in the ‘My Content’ section and only when shared, will be visible in the Feed.


We want your content to look great, so we recommend you upload hi-resolution images for the best viewing on all devices, and to save you time, all images uploaded to The Hub will be automatically resized on our servers to best suit the screen of the viewer as they load the image. Which saves data and ensures that your images look great.

Quick Content and Content Builder

Content is split into two main categories.

  • Quick Content: templated, single screens for simple and efficient sharing. The Quick Content templates include:
    • Image
    • Photo Gallery
    • Announcement
    • Video
  • Content Builder: allows you to create multi-screen content with navigation and many more options.

Creating Content

  1. Select the ‘Create +’ button on the sidebar
  2. Choose ‘Content’,
  3. Select either: ‘Quick Content’ or ‘Content Builder’
  4. Get Creating!
Quick Content - Image

Creating a Quick Content Image

  1. Select the teal ‘+’ button in bottom menu bar
  2. Select ‘Content’,
  3. Choose ‘Quick Content’
  4. Select ‘Image’.

To upload an image

  1. Click on the box with the image icon
  2. Select ‘Choose’ in the bottom left corner.
  3. Click ‘Select an image to upload’ to open your file browser, or you can click and drag an image into the box.

Once you’ve selected your image, it will upload and will automatically get scaled to suit the device (you can upload an image of any size).

Adjusting Size

To change the size of the image within the box, you can press the buttons at the bottom of your screen. The first button will fill the box area, and the 2nd button contains the full image within the box.

Title and Details

New Content’ is the placeholder text for the content title, update this text with a title that suits.

To add a description, input text into the field ‘Enter details here’. If no details are added, the field is hidden by default.


The ‘Settings’ cog in the top of your screen, will display the title and has options to change the background colour.


Once you are happy with your image screen, select the ‘Share’ button and chose a group or groups to share the content with.

Quick Content – Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery option is for sharing multiple images in a viewer with navigation, you can upload here add a title, and any extra text you’d like to include.

To get started:

Tap the teal coloured ‘+’ button at the bottom of the screen

  1. Select ‘Content
  2. Choose ‘Quick Content
  3. Select 'Photo Gallery'.

Uploading Images

  1. Press on the box with the image icon
  2. Select ‘Add Images’ in the bottom left corner
  3. Click ‘Select an image to upload’ to open your file browser, or you can click and drag images into the box.
  4. Press ‘Add’ in the top right-hand corner, this will upload all selected images together (you can upload an image of any size)
  5. Once all the images have finished uploading, select ‘Add’ in the top right corner and photos will be added to a gallery and automatically scaled to suit the device.
  6. Swipe right and left to preview your photo gallery.

Size of Images

If you need to change the size of any image within the viewing box, you can use the buttons at the bottom of your screen. the 2nd button is selected by default and contains the full image within the box. The first button will fill the box area but may crop the image on certain devices.

Re-ordering and deleting images

You can use the arrows to re-order and the red trash can to remove photos.

Title and Details

New Content’ is the placeholder text for the photo gallery title, update this text with a title that suits. 

To add a description, input text into the field ‘Enter details here’. If no details are added, the field is hidden by default.


The ‘Settings’ cog in the top of your screen, will display the title and has options to change the background colour.


Once you are happy with your Photo Gallery, select the ‘Share’ button and chose a group or groups to share the content with.

NOTE: You can always repeat these steps to continue adding images to your gallery.

Quick Content – Announcement

This can be used to share a quick text announcement to your group’s feed.

To begin

Tap the teal coloured ‘+’ button in the menubar on the bottom of the screen.

  1. Select ‘Content
  2. Choose ‘Quick Content’.
  3. Select ‘Announcement’.

Title and Details

You can add a title and further details. If you press on the ‘Settings’ cog in the top of your screen, you can see the title and the option to change the background colour.


Once you are happy with your content, select the ‘Share’ button and chose a group or groups to share the Announcement with.

Quick Content – Video

To share a single video, you can upload one here with a title and any extra text you’d like to include.

To get started

  1. Tap the teal coloured ‘+’ button on the menubar at the bottom of the screen
  2. Select ‘Content
  3. Choose ‘Quick Content
  4. Select ‘Video’.

To upload a video

  1. Click on the box with the video icon
  2. Select ‘Choose’ in the bottom left corner.
  3. Click ‘Select a video to upload'.
    - You can open your file browser
    - Or you can click and drag a video file into the box.

Once you’ve selected your video, it will upload and automatically get scaled to suit the device.

NOTE: Max size to upload is 2GB

Title and Details

New Content’ is the placeholder text for the video title, update this text with one that suits.  To add a description, input text into the field ‘Enter details here’. If no details are added, the field is hidden by default.


The ‘Settings’ cog in the top of your screen, and will display the title and has options to change the background colour.


Once you are happy with your Video content, select the ‘Share’ button and chose a group or groups to share the video with.

Content Builder Overview

The ‘Content Builder’ is designed to assist you in making multi-screened, detailed, and in-depth content.

To access Content Builder’

  1. Click the ‘Create +’ button on the sidebar
  2. Choose ‘Content
  3. Select ‘Content Builder’.

Adding Screens

When you open Content Builder, you will have the option to add multiple ‘Screens’.

Select the ‘Create+’ button in the top right-hand side of the screen and you will be presented with a list of different types of ‘Screens’:

  • Article
  • Image
  • Photo Gallery
  • Audio/Podcast
  • Video
  • Questions and Contents.

Screen Settings

We explore the uses and functions of these different screens in our tutorials, and in this one, we seek to give you an overview of the settings which apply to all screen types.

Once you have added a screen, you will see an icon in the top toolbar of your content. You can choose the settings for each screen by selecting the icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

You can choose a ‘Screen Title’ (this will be helpful when creating in-app links later)

  • ‘Navigation Caption’ - this will be visible if you have selected ‘Navigation Captions’ in the overall settings of the content
  • Icon’
  • ‘Icon Colour’
  • Show in navigation’ - if this is turned ‘on’, this icon will be visible and selectable in user-mode of the content.

Saving and Sharing

As always Content is automatically saved as you go and will only be shared with a group when you choose to.

Content Builder – Article

This screen option will likely become your most regularly used.

Whilst the other screen types are more tailor to specific content, the Article screen allows for the most types of content to be included and has the most formatting and layout options.

  • Here, you can add text (either typing directly in or copying and pasting from elsewhere).
  • Text editing options include multiple formatting types and settings.
  • You can add images with options for alignment, corner radius, and scale.
  • There are options to add questions and links throughout the text on this page.

An article is the most versatile of the screen options and gives you more options to tailor to your content needs.

Content Builder – Image

This is designed in a similar way to the ‘Quick Content’ image creator, but it allows you to have an image screen in amongst other screens all in the one piece of content.

You can share a single image, you can upload one here with a title and any extra text you’d like to include.

To upload an image

  1. Click on the box with the image icon
  2. Select ‘Choose’ in the bottom left corner.
  3. Click ‘Select an image to upload’ to open your file browser, or you can click and drag an image into the box.

Once you’ve selected your image, it will upload and will automatically get scaled to suit the device (you can upload an image of any size).

Size of Images

To change the size of the image within the box, you can press the buttons at the bottom of your screen. The first button will fill the box area, and the 2nd button contains the full image within the box.

Content Builder - Photo Gallery

This is designed in a similar way to the ‘Quick Content’ photo gallery creator, but it allows you to have a photo gallery screen in amongst other screens all in the one piece of content.

To share multiple images, you can upload here with a title and any extra text you’d like to include.

To upload images

  1. Press on the box with the image icon
  2. Select ‘Add Images’ in the bottom left corner
  3. Click ‘Select an image to upload’ to open your file browser, or you can click and drag images into the box.
  4. Press ‘Add’ in the top right-hand corner, it will upload and will automatically get scaled to suit the device (you can upload an image of any size).

Size of Images

To change the size of the image within the box, you can press the buttons at the bottom of your screen. The first button will fill the box area, and the 2nd button contains the full image within the box.

Re-ordering and Deleting Images

Once you’ve uploaded the images you want, you can use the arrows to re-order photos and remove any you want to.

Content Builder – Audio/Podcast

This screen type allows you to upload an audio file, or a link to a podcast episode or audio file hosted online.

You can also upload an image, a title, and a description of the audio. The description box is a good place to include a transcript of the audio if making a course/training manual.

To upload an image

  1. Press on the box with the image icon
  2. Select ‘Choose’ in the bottom left corner
  3. Press ‘Select an image to upload
  4. Choose from:
    - ‘Photo Library’ (accesses photos stored on your phone)
    - ‘Take Photo
    - ‘Choose File’ (accesses your files on your phone).
  5. Tap ‘Choose’ in the top right corner of the box. You can then give your audio a title and description.

To add an audio file or podcast

Select the box at the bottom of the screen with the audio icon

Tap ‘Choose’ in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, which will give you three options.

Option one: upload an audio file

  1. Tap ‘Select an audio file to upload
  2. Choose from ‘Photo Library’ (accesses your phone's gallery), Take Video’ or ‘Choose File’ (accesses your files on your phone)
  3. Select ‘Choose File’ and choose the audio file you wish to upload
  4. Tap ‘Choose’ once it finishes uploading.

Option two: link to a podcast episode

  1. Select the ‘Podcast’ tab
  2. Copy and paste the podcast URL into first box, which will automatically bring up a list of episodes in that podcast.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the specific episode you’d like to include
  4. Select ‘Choose’.

Option three: link to an online hosted audio file

  1. Choose the ‘URL’ tab
  2. Copy and paste the link into the ‘Audio URL’ box
  3. Select ‘Choose’

Handy Tip: To have the most options for the description text field, use an Article screen to create the text and assets, then copy and paste into this description box. This will allow you to use any Article option eg. Questions, Images, and formatting and add it to your Audio screen.

Content Builder – Video

This is designed in a similar way to the ‘Quick Content’ video creator, but it allows you to have a video screen in amongst other screens all in the one piece of content.

To upload a video

  1. Click on the box with the video icon
  2. Select ‘Choose’ in the bottom left corner
  3. Click ‘Select a video to upload. Max size 2GB
  4. Choose from:

    - ‘Photo Library’ (accesses videos stored on your phone)

    - ‘Take Video’

    - ‘Choose File’ (accesses your files on your phone).

  5. Select ‘Choose’ to add the video to your screen.
  6. There are options to add a Title (‘New Video’ by default) and description text.

Handy Tip: To have the most options for the description text field, use an Article screen to create the text and assets, then copy and paste into this description box. This will allow you to use any Article option eg. Questions, Images, and formatting and add it to your Video screen.

Content Builder – Questions

While you can include questions within an article, you can also use this screen option if you’d like a separate screen for questions – for a feedback form or similar.

The Question Screen type allows for different icon options and makes it easy to add many questions to a screen.

Give your question screen a title and then begin adding questions.

Our questions have several options that you can find more detail on in our questions tutorial (scroll down and refer to 'Questions' section).

Content Builder - Contents

A Contents page is a customisable list of all your screens/pages within your content.

You can include multiple Contents pages throughout your content, but the most common way is to have it as the front page of what you create.

Whenever you add a new screen (no matter which of the above types you choose) it will automatically be added to your Contents page.

You can then decide which screens you want included in your contents page by selecting ‘on’ or ‘off’ for each one.

As a user – Contents pages link to each of the screens you have chosen to include in your list.

Links - types and uses

When you are making your content, you have the option to use hyperlinks throughout Article screens.

There are four types of links you can use:

  • Web URL (link to external website)
  • App – Group or Screen
  • Email
  • Phone

To insert a Link

Select the text you’d like to use as your text link (if you don’t select text you’ve written, it will automatically use the text from the link), then press two-chain link button on the bottom toolbar, which will bring up the ‘Edit Link’ box.

To add a link to an external website:

  • Choose some text as your link title
  • Use the website text. Copy and paste the full URL into the box and select ‘Insert’.

These are links that take users to either a screen within the content or Group.

To link to a group:

  1. Select ‘Group’ from the dropdown menu
  2. Select the relevant group from the next dropdown menu that will appear once you make your first selection:
  • If someone is already a member of the group you link to, following the link will take them to that Group’s main page.
  • If they aren’t a member, they will have a message pop up asking if they are sure they’d like to join the Group that was linked in the content, they can then confirm or close.

NOTE: The Group Join Code must be enabled in group settings to allow people to join a group in this way.

To link to a screen within your content:

  1. Select ‘Screen’ from the ‘App Link Type’ dropdown menu
  2. Select the relevant screen from the next dropdown menu that will appear once you make your first selection.
  3. If you see ‘[object Object] in your list, it means you’re yet to give that screen a title in its settings. You can still link to the screen and then go in and name it later.

You can include the option to send an email to someone, you can use the ‘Email’ link. This will automatically open the Mail application on whichever device is being used and include the relevant email address in the ‘To:’ section.

You can include the option to call someone, you can use the ‘Phone’ link. By following the link, it will allow someone viewing the content to call whichever number you include in your content.

Screen Icons & Order

Each screen type has a range of different icons to choose from, depending on the ‘Screen’ type you’re adding. Each screen has a default icon but you can choose a different icon or re-order your screens by:

  1. Selecting the relevant screen icon in the top left of the toolbar (just under the title of your content)
  2. Pressing the keyboard icon in the bottom right of the screen. This will display four different buttons on the bottom toolbar:
  3. On the left-hand side, you’ll see two direction arrows. You can use these to move your screen left or right – just click on the icon of the screen you’re wanting to move and then press the relevant arrow and you’ll see the screen icon moving left or right in the top display area.
  4. The black square or the bottom right allows you to change the screens settings and the red bin on the bottom right will delete the current screen.
  5. If you have selected screen settings, you’ll see all the icons and colours available (as well as other settings. (Find more details about in our ‘Content Settings and Screen Settings’ tutorial).
  6. Select ‘Done’ once you’re happy with your selection and know that you can come back and change this any time.
  7. If you happen to press the delete screen button accidentally, just press the ‘Undo’ button in the top of the screen.
Text Formatting

When creating an ‘Article’ screen, you have some helpful options for formatting your text.

When you are adding/editing text, you will see a toolbar at the bottom of the screen with different formatting options.

Text Style

You can choose a ‘Heading Style’ by selecting the first icon in the toolbar, you can then choose from H1, H2, H3 or  quote marks.

This will change the size and style of the text highlighted. Press the x in the right of the toolbar to go back to other formatting options.

Text Options

You can choose Bold, Italic or Underlined by turning these on and off (you can also turn these on and off by using the standard keyboard shortcuts.


The next three buttons will change the alignment of the text – left, centre or right alignment options are available. The two buttons next to those allow you to move sections of text either left or right, depending on where you’d like it to sit (you can also use tab and backspace if on those devices).


You can change the colour of your text by selecting the paintbrush icon, which will then display a list of available colours.

Text Lists

You can add dot points or numbered lists by using the next two icons.

Line/Page Break

To add a line or page break, use the icon with the line on it. This will insert a line that automatically scales to fit the screen size it’s on.


You can add a table by selecting the icon with a table pictured on it, this will open a box that lets you set the number of rows and columns and gives you the option to include a header row or not. Press ‘insert’ when ready.


Tables are text based and can be created and edited in The Hub app. Tables are easily and instantly updatable and they resize to support various screen sizes.

Adding Tables

  1. Select the icon with a table pictured on it
  2. Set the number of rows and columns
  3. Choose whether you want to include a header row or not
  4. Press ‘insert’ when ready.

Editing Tables

Click on the relevant table

Select the table icon on the bottom toolbar.

You will see table formatting options. From left to right you will see:

  • Add table
  • Remove table
  • Add column to the right
  • Add column to the left
  • Add row above
  • Add row below
  • Remove row
  • Merge cells

NOTE: We recommend that you design your layouts with mobile viewing in mind and suggest no more than 5 columns to reduce text expansion height in cells for smartphones and smaller screen sizes.


You can add questions into an ‘Article’ screen or have a ‘Questions’ screen.

When you insert a question, a box will be added to your content where you can write in the question. You will be able to choose the appropriate settings for the type of question you wish to use.

Answer Type

  • Long Answer:  the icon with ‘AB’ on it, sets the question to be a ‘short/long answer’ type question where users will be able to write their responses in a textbox directly below the question (information on who can access that text can be found later in this tutorial).
  • Multiple Choice: The icon with dot points on it will make the question a multiple choice or checkbox style question.
    1. Select ‘Options’ 
    2. Select ‘+ Add Answer’. 
    3. You can enter as many options as you like.
    If it is a checkbox question and there is no ‘correct’ answer, leave the ‘correct’ checkboxes unchecked.
    4. If it is a multiple-choice question, you can set the correct answer/s by marking the appropriate checkbox/es.
    5. If you want to remove one of the options, just press the red rubbish bin icon.

Answer Sharing Options

After deciding on the type of question you’re wanting to add, you can then alter the settings of which other users can view any answers given by individuals.

Next to ‘Sharing’, you will see a ‘no’ icon and a ‘tick’ icon.

  • Keep the ‘No’ icon selected, if you are wanting the question to be only visible to the person answering  (this might be a private space for responding to something, or taking individual notes)
  • Select the 'Tick' if you would like to have responses shared only with Group Admins (this might be seeking feedback from participants, or running a training course, etc).
  • Select the icon with three people on itIf you would like the response to be visible to all Group members/creators/admins (this might be running a quick poll or a brainstorming session)

Push notifications are set to send the Content Creator any shared responses when sharing is enabled (for both group and admin only type of visibility). There is a separate setting in 'My Notifications' to switch the question response notifications on or off. See the next topic for more info on Question notifications.

Question Notifications

Push notifications for Questions work as follows:

  • The Content Owner is notified of responses (not the group)
  • A notification is sent only when a response is shared (when the user hits the ‘Share’ button)
  • If the user edits a response, it is automatically ‘unshared’ until they reshare the response
  • Notifications will be sent for both ‘Group’ and ‘Admin Only’ questions

The response is viewable straight from notifications, and you can also tap ‘View’ from the response window to see the response in context. ‘View’ will open the content and go to the screen which has the question. ‘View Responses’ will then load all shared responses.

You can always turn off Question Response notifications by going to ‘Settings’, selecting ‘My Notifications’.

Article Screen – Adding Media

In an ‘Article’ screen, you have the option to add images throughout any text you are adding.


To add an image, use the image icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen (if you can only see arrows and settings icons, just click on the body of the article and the correct toolbar should appear).

You can either add an image from your device or a link to an online image via a URL.

To add images:

  • You can either click the box that says ‘Select images to upload’ to open your file browser or click and drag the image/s you wish into that box.
  • You can choose multiple images and, once they’ve finished uploading, press ‘Insert’.
  • To add a URL, select the tab that says ‘URL’ and then put the image URL into the box (just keep in mind, if the image is removed from the website link, it will also disappear from your content!).
  • You can learn more about positioning and sizing of images in the ‘Image Options’ tutorial.
Image Options

When you press on an image, you will see five options: ‘Replace’, ‘Alignment’, ‘Scale’, ‘Border Radius’ and ‘Remove’.


If you’ve changed your mind about an image but would like to have a different one in the same position, you can choose ‘Replace’, which will bring up the ‘Insert Images’ screen (but it will now say ‘Replace Image’ and you can follow the same steps for adding a new image.

When you’re happy with your choice and the upload is finished, press ‘Replace’ and the new image will take the place of the original one.


You can choose from different alignment options. You can block your image or have it wrap around the text.

You can also choose if you’d like it left, middle or right aligned.

Once you’re happy with your choice, press the ‘x’ on the right to go back to the previous options.


You can set it to ‘auto’ and it will scale to fit, but if you’d like to change the size, choose ‘Manual’ and then scroll slightly to the right where you can choose between pixels or percentage.

Type in the number you wish and then choose whether you’re wanting pixels or percentage.

Once you’re happy with your choice, press the ‘x’ on the right to go back to the previous options.

Border Radius

you can choose from a round border, round-edge square border or a square border.

Just press on whichever one you’d like by pressing the different shape.

Once you’re happy with your choice, press the ‘x’ on the right to go back to the previous options.


if you’d like to remove the image, just press the red rubbish bin. If you do this accidentally, just press the undo arrow in the top toolbar near your content title.

Screen Settings

Each screen you add to your content in ‘Content Builder’ has its own settings (these are different from the overall settings of your content).


You can choose the settings for each screen by selecting the icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.


You can create a ‘Screen Title’ (this will be helpful when creating in-app links later or if you include a contents page)

Navigation Captions

This option will be visible if you have selected ‘Navigation Captions’ in the overall settings of the content (Navigation Captions sit below the screen icons in shared content -  they assist users in viewing and navigating content)


You can select an icon for a screen and choose the colour from the list. If ‘Show in navigation’ - is turned ‘on’, the icon will be visible and selectable in user-mode of the content.

Content Settings

When you begin creating new content, it’s a good idea to open ‘Settings’ first to set your content up.

Getting Started
  1. Select the settings cog in the top right of the screen.
  2. This will open a box where you can choose from a range of options that will change both the look and the way users interact with the content.
  3. Just remember, all these settings can be changed later and updated, even if you’ve already shared the content.
Settings Options

Content Title: This will default to ‘New Content’ when using our Content Builder or will match the title you give any image/video/photo gallery in ‘Quick Content’.

It’s important to give your content a title, as it will display in your ‘My Content’ section and if you share the content, will display in the ‘Group Feed’ and ‘My Feed’ sections under that name.

Content Theme: You can choose from three different themes that will be consistent across all that specific piece of content:

  • Default (white text, navy background)
  • Light (black text, white background)
  • Dark (white text, black background). 

You will still have other text colour options within those themes.

Display screen navigation: This determines whether your content will have icons visible or not – note, in ‘Edit’ mode, you will always be able to see the icons, they will only stop being visible in ‘View’ mode.

Navigation Type: You can choose between ‘Free’ or ‘Linear’.

  • Free – this allows group members to freely navigate the content, in any order they choose by using the round screen icons associated with each screen.
  • Linear navigation utilises arrows to move left or right through the content in a set order.

Navigation Position: If you have screen navigation turned on, you can then determine whether you want the icons to be at the top of the screen or at the bottom of the screen.

Show navigation short title: If you would like to have text with each icon (up to 10 characters), you can turn this to ‘on’.

Remove Content: If you do remove the content, this cannot be undone but you will get a warning and need to confirm the action as a failsafe.


Events are a feature in the app that can be used within any group you are part of.

Only Group Admins or Creators can share an event to a group.

To create an event:

  1. Press the ‘+ Create’ button in the top of the sidebar on the left of the screen
  2. Choose ‘Event
  3. Give your event a title – delete the text that says, ‘New Event’ and add your own title to this, which will then automatically name the Event as it will appear in any Group Feed/My Feed/My Content.
  4. Add in any extra details about the event you like in the ‘Enter details here’ box.

To add an image to your event:

  1. Click on the box with the image icon
  2. Select ‘Choose’ in the bottom left corner
  3. Click ‘Select an image to upload’ to open your file browser, or you can click and drag an image into the box.

Event Image Size

Once you’ve selected your image, it will upload and will automatically get scaled to suit the device (you can upload an image of any size).

If you need to change the size of the image within the box, you can press the buttons at the bottom of your screen.

Event Date

To select the date of the event:

  1. Press ‘Select a date
  2. Press ‘Set Date’ in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  3. You can set your event to be all day by choosing that option in the top, or you can set a specific time.
  4. Choose your start date by tapping on the ‘Start date’ box, which will bring up a calendar, choose your date and press ‘OK’.
  5. Choose your start time by pressing the ‘Start Time’ box, which will bring up a clock, allowing you to move the hand to the hour and minutes (just tap on the relevant number to choose)
  6. Choose AM or PM and press ‘OK’.
  7. Repeat the above steps to set your ‘End Date’ and ‘End Time’ and then
  8. Press ‘Save’, once you’re happy with the details.

Event Location

  1. Select ‘Choose a Location
  2. Press ‘Set Location’ in the bottom left corner of the screen
  3. Type in an address or location
  4. Press ‘Save’ once ready.

The address will automatically open the device’s maps application when opened

NOTE: You can leave location blank if it’s an event without a specific location. 

Event Settings

You can then choose the colour theme you’d like by selecting the ‘Settings’ cog in the top toolbar, choose from ‘Default’ (white text, navy background), ‘Light (black text, white background) or ‘Dark’ (white text, black background).

Saving and Sharing

  • The Event will be saved automatically and can be found in ‘My Content’ ready to be shared with any relevant Groups.
  • If you would like to share immediately, press the share icon in the top toolbar (square with diagonal arrow) and choose the group you wish to share it.
  • Events will automatically be listed under the date of the event in any Group Feed/My Feed.
  • Events will be displayed in the ‘Events’ tab in Groups.
  • You can also create an event directly through a group by opening the Group, choosing the ‘Events’ tab and then choosing ‘+ Create Event’. You would then follow all the same steps listed previously.
Reporting Content

If you believe that content shared in a Group you are a member, creator, or admin of, is inappropriate, offensive or illegal you can ‘Report’ that content.

When you report content, it will notify The Hub team with the details you provide. The team will begin the required processes to determine the nature of the content

NOTE: You can find more information on our website about our commitment to eSafety and privacy).

Reporting Content

Select the three dots to the right of the content you’d like to report – either in ‘My Feed’ or the relevant ‘Group Feed’


Open the content you’d like to report and select the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. Select ‘Report content’ and then provide as much detail as possible to help us best understand and deal with the issue.

Hiding Content

You can hide content from your Feeds. This action will only hide it from your individual account.

To hide content

Select the three dots to the right of the content you’d like to hide – either in ‘My Feed’ or the relevant ‘Group Feed


Open the content you’d like to hide and select the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. Select ‘Hide content’.

Restoring Hidden Content

If you would like to restore any content you have hidden, you can

  1. Use the filter option to ‘Show hidden content only’
  2. Select the three dots to the right of the content
  3. Choose ‘Restore content’.
Branding and Image Tips

The Hub has created all the tools you need to make beautiful, engaging and on-brand content. Anything you can save as an image can be easily added into your content.

Have some fun! Use your logos, banners, fonts, images and GIFs to bring the content to life! Here are some helpful tips:


  • Use your fonts to create Headings in your preferred image software
  • We recommended 1400 x 300 px as an optimal size for headings
  • Save your heading images as JPGs
  • Insert your heading images into your Hub content and manually resize to 600px


  • Strategically place your logo throughout your content to highlight your brand

Group Profile Pictures

  • Create Group Profile pictures at 300x300px
  • Save the images as JPEGs


  • Create banners for the top and/or bottom of screens
  • Use your brand colours and images to create banners at the recommended size of 1400 x 300 px
  • Save your banners as JPGs
  • Insert your banners into your Hub content as an image then Manually resize to 600px


  • Can be utilised to bring colour and movement to your content.
  • Simply click on the image icon when in an article screen and select your chosen GIF to insert.
My Content

All Content or Events you create are automatically saved and stored in the ‘My Content’ section of your app.

To find ‘My Content’, simply select ‘My Content’ in the sidebar on the left of your screen.

You can:

  • Open
  • Edit
  • Share
  • Remove
  • Duplicate 


Content that you create can be shared as many or as few times as you like and with any group that you have permission to share to.

Sharing - Group, Multiple Groups, Multiple Dates, Removing Shares

To share content to a group, you must be an Admin or Creator in that Group.

Once you’ve created content, it will automatically save as you go and then be stored in ‘My Content’.

To share content to a group

  1. Open the relevant content
  2. Select the share button (square with diagonal arrow) in the top toolbar of the screen. This will bring up the option to choose both a share date and a group
  3. Select the date you wish the content to appear under in ‘My Feed’ - you can share to a past date, today’s date or a future date.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select the Group you’d like to share to (you will only see groups that you are an Admin or Creator in)
  5. Press the button ‘Share with Group’, once it has been shared, it will appear in the space just below this. (A notification is sent to group members when content is shared - unless a user has switched  notifications off on their device)
  6. You can share the same content with as many groups as you wish, by using the multiselect to click on each group required and then pressing the ‘Share with Group’ button.

Removing Shares

You can remove content from a group simply by pressing the red rubbish bin button next to the Group you’d like to remove it from (if you do this by mistake, just re-share to the group).

Making Changes

  • You can make changes to content that is already shared with a group. These changes will not be public until you ‘Publish’ them.
  • You can publish changes by clicking the share button, then clicking the ‘Publish All Changes’ button.
  • If you navigate away from a piece of content that you have made changes to, you will be prompted to ‘Publish all changes’.
  • If you are ready to publish the changes, select this now, if you are still updating the content and not ready, it will automatically save and be ready to publish changes whenever you are!
  • Note: Publishing changes is discreet and does not send a push notification to group members, whilst the 'Share with Group' button does notify members of content
Content - Editing/Removing/Duplicating

Once you have made any type of content in The Hub, it will automatically save and can be found under ‘My Content’.

You can only edit, remove or duplicate content that belongs to you.

You can access all your content by selecting the ‘My Content’ icon in the sidebar on your app. This will take you to a list of all your content.

Accessing Content Management

To access content management options, you can press the three dots to the right of the content you wish to manage.

This will give you four options:

  1. Edit content
  2. Duplicate content
  3. Transfer content
  4. Remove content.

NOTE: You can find more details about transferring content in our ‘Organisation Hub’ tutorials.

Editing Content

  • Select ‘Edit content’ to open the content in ‘Edit’ mode. Note – you can also access this edit mode by simply tapping on the content title.
  • The three dots can also be accessed in ‘My Feed’ or the ‘Group Feed’.

Duplicating Content

  • Select ‘Duplicate content’ in the list of options at the three dots. This will give you the option of changing the Content Title (it will add the word ‘copy’ to the original name, by default’).
  • When you press ‘Duplicate Content’, it will open that duplicate in edit mode.

Removing Content

  • ‘Remove Content’ will remove it from all groups shared with as well as your own account.
  • When you press ‘Remove content’ you will be asked to confirm that action before completing the removal as this is a permanent action.