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Organisation Hub

Organisation Hub Intro

The Hub app provides a scalable solution for organisations to manage their groups, content, and onboarding.

The Organisation Hub is the place to:

  • Create your organisational group structures
  • Maintain oversight of your users and groups.
  • Access to automated batch tools for group creation and user onboarding.
  • Create custom email invite templates

As well as many more features to streamline and manage your community’s connections.

Org Admin Members

The Organisation Hub is only accessed by Organisation Members who have an 'Organisation Admin' role.

This is a separate member role (different from Group Admins) which entitles access to the Organisation Hub.

Organisation Admins can:

  • View all groups and users within an organisation. Change group settings
  • Manage users
  • Create custom email invites
  • Run automated batches for group setup and onboarding users.

The 'Organisation Hub' will only appear in The Hub app once a user is signed into an account which has been elevated to the role of 'Organisation Admin'.

On Mac, Windows, and Tablets the Organisation Hub is accessed via the sidebar. On Mobile devices, it can be found in ‘Settings’.

Groups within Groups

Manage an expansive network of groups within groups with The Organisation Hub group tools.

Organisations can tailor group structures to have parent groups with sub or child groups nested underneath. Nesting groups has two main benefits:

1. Automatic inviting of any parent groups above.

2. One-click archiving of all child groups underneath.

Automatic Inviting:

The automatic inviting to parent groups above is a feature is to be a ‘catch-all’ - to save users having to manually join multiple groups. When a user is invited to a child group which is nested below a parent group, an invite is automatically created for the parent group above, then any parent group above that, and so on up the ‘tree’ of groups to the top level.


At an event you may have separate workshop groups, which are nested under the main parent group of the event. Any user which joins a workshop group will automatically be prompted to join the main event group, so they get all communication and content shared to the main event group.

Note: Invite emails will combine group invites together into one email. Users still have the option to accept or decline invites and leave groups at any time. Any existing groups which they are already a member of will be skipped.


Having groups within groups also has the advantage of one-click archiving and unarchiving of all nested child groups. Simply archive a parent group, and all groups nested below will be archived too. This will remove access to the groups for all users, but will preserve all the content shares, chat, and data within the groups.


Org Admins can also unarchive groups at any time to re-enable access, and group participants are notified when groups are archived or unarchived when they next access The Hub app.

Onboarding Workflow

Onboarding Workflow

The onboarding workflow is an important component of the adoption of The Hub in your organisation. Use this workflow to create your own tailored onboarding timeline and checklist.

Import Tools Overview

The 'import tools' are designed to make it easy to handle medium to large onboarding tasks. This is done by uploading spreadsheets, which facilitate automated multi-group setup, and bulk user invites with custom email templates. There are main components to the Import Tools:

  • Group Import Batch
  • Invite User Batch
  • Custom Email Invite Templates

See the tutorials below for details on each of these 3 components.

Import Tools - Group Import Batch
Automated group setup:

The batch group import tool allows you to create a number of groups from an uploaded CSV file, whilst also specifying group settings to be applied to the created groups.

The 'Batch Group Import tool' is found in the 'Import Tools' section of the Organisation Hub.

Spreadsheets for Group Importing

Spreadsheets can be created in standard applications such as Microsoft Excel, Apple’s Numbers, or Google Sheets.

The spreadsheet will need to be saved as .CSV file. This file format stands for ‘comma separated value’ which is a standardised and easily readable data set created from the columns and rows of a spreadsheet.

The Group Import spreadsheet is required to have a minimum of one column which lists the Group Name.

You can have up to 8 columns which specify settings for the groups:

  • Group Name
  • Parent Group Name
  • Members Hidden
  • Members Approval
  • Members Default Role
  • Membership Limit
  • Enable Group Chat
  • Join Code Hidden

For more information on the different group settings, refer to the tutorials on 'Group Management'.

Once a .CSV file is uploaded:

  1. Select whether the spreadsheet has a ‘Header Row’ and see a preview of the first row of each of the columns. This is where you check to see if the columns assignments match, and if not, can reassign these.
  2. When you are happy with the column assignment, choose the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the list, and then give the 'Group Import Batch' a name.
  3. This brings up the Batch status and preview screen. Check the list of groups is correct and when ready, click on the ‘Import Groups’ button in the top right corner to begin the importing process.
  4. All batches created can be viewed by entering your ‘Organisation’, selecting ‘Import Tools, then ‘All Group Invite Batches’.
Import Tools - Invite User Batch

The 'Invite User Batch' tool allows you to quickly invite a number of users from an uploaded .CSV file and has the option to select any pre-existing custom email templates.

There are a couple of tasks required before running a ‘Invite User batch’:

1. Create your groups and any custom email templates you will use when inviting users.

2. Make a spreadsheet which lists your users and the groups you wish them to join.

Spreadsheets for User Importing

Spreadsheets can be created in standard applications such as Microsoft Excel, Apple’s Numbers, or Google Sheets.

The spreadsheet will need to be saved as .CSV file. This file format stands for ‘comma separate values’ which is a standardised and easily readable data set created from the columns and rows of a spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet requirements:

At a minimum, the spreadsheet must contain columns for Email Address and Group Name.

We recommend creating five columns which will list:

  • Group
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Role

NOTE: The role can be ‘Admin’, ‘Creator’ or ‘Member’.  If the ‘Role’ column is not included, all members will join as the default role which is ‘Member, unless the ‘Members Join as Creator’ option is selected for the group.

Important: The group names on your spreadsheet must exactly match to groups already created in your organisation.


Once a .CSV file is uploaded:

1. Select whether the spreadsheet has a ‘Header Row’ and see a preview of the first row of each of the columns. This is where you check to see if the columns assignments match, and if not, can reassign these.

2. Choose the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the list, and then give the Group Import Batch a name.

3. The user invite process also allows for selecting custom email invites created in the 'Email Template' section. See the tutorial on creating email templates.

4. Press the ‘Save’ button. This brings up the Batch status and preview screen.

5. Check the list of users and their group assignments to make sure they are correct.

6. Click the ‘Send Invites’ button in the top right corner to begin the inviting process.

Users will now be invited to the groups via email, and if a user already has an account on The Hub, they will also be prompted to accept the invites when they next sign into The Hub app.

Invites can also be found in the app anytime by going to

1. ‘Settings’, then ‘Invitations’.

2. Clicking on the ‘Group’ icon when there is a red dot notifying of invitations. 

All saved batches can be viewed by entering your ‘Organisation’, selecting ‘Import Tools’, then ‘All Invite User Batches’.

Sending Invite Reminders

If there are people from your ‘Invite user batch’ who have not accepted an invitation to group, you have the option of sending a reminder invite email. To do this you will need to:

1. Enter your ‘Organisation

2. Select ‘Import Tools’, then ‘All Invite User Batches’.

3. Choose the relevant batch and click on the teal ‘Send Reminders’ button in the upper right corner.

4. You will be given an option to choose the email template you would like to use.

NOTE:make sure that you have already created a new template if you want to use different wording for your reminder invite.

5. Any users who are already members of the groups will be skipped and not sent a reminder email.

Import Tools - Custom Email Invite Templates

Invite and onboard your members with your own message and branding with the Organisation Hub!

You can create multiple email templates which can be used by any member who is an 'Organisation Admin'.

The email invite templates allow for:

  • Custom introduction text
  • Uploading a main image or video
  • Adding your organisation’s logo.


  1. Click the ‘+ New Template’ button
  2. Fill out the form with an
    - ‘Email Template Name’
    - 'From Name’
    - ‘Subject’
  3. Upload a logo. NOTE:We recommend a logo which is wide and short to best fit the template.
  4. Write your message in the Custom message box. NOTE: The name will be automatically pre-filled for you.
  5. Choose if you would an additional image or video in your invitation by clicking on the ‘Email Media’ box.
  6. If you would like an image click ‘Banner image’, then drag and drop or select an image to upload from your device.
  7. If you want to embed a ‘Video’ in your invite, click ‘Video’, then drag and drop or select a video to upload from your device.
  8. When you are happy with the contents of your template, click ‘Create’.

Test Email

We recommend running a test batch invite to check your custom emails before completing the batch invite.

If possible, check the sent email in different email client’s apps or online (eg. Outlook, Apple Mail, Gmail, Yahoo etc.)

Note: Email clients sometimes differ in how they display email media, and users may have settings which prevent images loading or embedded video content from playing.


We suggest also putting a text link to videos or banner images so they can also be viewed online via a browser if the email client does not display the media correctly.

Org Hub Feature - Group Membership Limit

The 'Membership Limit' is feature is designed to save admin time. The Hub can be used in many settings and the ‘Membership Limit' function can be a game changer for the curation of group sizes to: 

  • Strategically limit participant registration 
  • Comply with venue room limits 
  • Limit group numbers according to organisational requirements 
  • Equalise Elective/Workshop group numbers for courses/events. 

To adjust the Membership Limit 

  1. Select a group within your Organisation
  2. Enter'Group Actions' by clicking on the 3 dot elipses in the top right corner.
  3. Select ‘Edit Group
  4. Click on the ‘Members’ tab.
  5. Adjust the ‘Membership Limit’ as required.

Alternatively, the Membership Limit can be set during the ‘Group Batch Import’ process. See ‘Import tools – Group Invite Batch’ tutorial for more details 

Membership Limits work in a ‘first come, first served’ setup, where the platform allows members to join the group until the cap is reached. When the cap is reached new join requests are informed the group is full. 

*NOTE: The ‘Membership Limit’ is a function of the 'Organisation Hub' only and ‘Group Settings’ outside of this space will not contain the Membership Limit function.  

Org Hub Feature - Archiving Groups

Once a group is no longer required, such as at the end of a conference, course, or calendar year, groups can be archived. 


Archiving simply removes access to the groups for all members. 

Archive a parent group, and all groups nested below will be archived too. This will remove access to the groups for all users, but will preserve all the content shares, chat, and data within the groups for ongoing records. 

Note: members are notified with an in-app message when groups have been archived or unarchived when they next access The Hub app. 

To Archive a group 

  1. Select a group within your Organisation 
  1. Enter 'Group Actions' by clicking on the 3 dot elipses in the top right corner.  
  1. Select ‘Archive Group’.  
  1. When prompted to confirm the action, again select ‘Archive Group’. 



Org Admins can also unarchive groups at any time to re-enable access, and group participants are notified when groups are archived or unarchived when they next access The Hub app. 

  1. Enter ‘Groups’ in your Organisation
  2. Click ‘Filter’ in the top right corner of the list
  3. Toggle to ‘Show Archived Groups Only
  4. Click ‘Apply’
  5. Select the group you wish to ‘Unarchive
  6. Enter 'Group Actions' by clicking on the 3 dot elipses in the top right corner.
  7. Select ‘Unarchive
  8. When prompted to confirm the action, again select ‘Unarchive’.